The project involves providing a complex of integrated services through multidisciplinary teams in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrintsi, and Bolyarovo. Its goal is to improve conditions, enhance opportunities for social inclusion, and develop the potential of local Roma communities by acquiring new social, health, life, and management skills.
Project No: BGLD-3.002-0004
Title: Implementation of integrated measures to support vulnerable groups in the municipalities of Smyadovo, Vetrintsi, and Bolyarovo
Beneficiary: Municipality of Smyadovo
– Municipality of Vetrintsi
– Municipality of Bolyarovo
– Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe” Association
– “Health, Culture, Well-being, Integrated Sustainable Development” Association
– Norwegian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce
Budget: 749,999.78 euros (1,466,849.57 BGN)
Start Date: April 11, 2022
Duration: 24 months